Document Examination Lab inaugurated at Gan International Airport

The second Document Examination Lab of Maldives Immigration was established at Gan International Airport today. This initiative reflects efforts from Maldives Immigration to strengthen the border security of Maldives.

The Lab was inaugurated by the Mayor of Addu City Abdulla Sadiq, in a special ceremony held at Gan International Airport. Ceremony was attended by the Controller General, Deputy Controller and the members from the senior management of Maldives Immigration and other law enforcement agencies based in Addu City.

Document Examination Lab comprised of equipment to verify the authenticity of the security and identity documents; detects fraudulent travel documents and imposters at the border. Implementation of the lab in Gan International Airport will enhance the passenger screening mechanism, and will assist to identify the illegitimate travelers. 

The first Document Examination Lab was established at Velana International Airport in 2015. The primary equipment used in the lab, ‘The Document Verifier’, is a grant aid from the International Organization for Migration.

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