Re-opening of tourist guesthouses and hotels in Greater Male’ area

Split stay between a tourist guest house or hotel in Greater Male’ area and a tourist resort, safari or tourist guest house island
  • All split stays must be according to the split stay procedure set forth by the Ministry of Tourism.
  • Tourists who initially stay at a tourist guest house or hotel in Greater Male’ area as part of a split stay, must do PCR testing for COVID-19 (despite a pre-arrival PCR test done prior to entry into the country) if the duration of stay in Greater Male’ area is more than 48 hours. He/she may travel to the resort, safari or tourist guest house island if the result of this PCR test is negative.
  • Tourists who initially stay at a tourist resort or safari or a tourist guest house island are not required to do a PCR test for COVID-19 prior to travelling to a guest house or Hotel in Greater Male’ area.
Transit stays at guest houses or hotels in Greater Male’ area
  • Departure tourists who require pre-departure PCR testing as an immigration requirement of their destination country or airline, must obtain a negative PCR result prior to their exit from the resort or safari or tourist guest house island. If they require to transit at a guest house or hotel in Greater Male’ area prior to departure from Maldives, they must produce the negative PCR result during check-in to the guest house or hotel.
  • Tourists from guest house islands who transit at a guest house or hotel in Greater Male’ area prior to departure from Maldives, must produce a negative PCR result during check-in to the guest house or hotel.
  • Arrival tourists who require to transit in Greater Male’ area prior to travel to resorts, safaris or tourist guest house islands will not require PCR testing if their duration of transit in Greater Male’ area is less than 48 hours.
  • Tourists who are in transit stay may exit the guest house or hotel during the stay. They may take part in outdoor activities, visit shops or dine at restaurants however, they must wear masks, maintain physical distancing and observe other recommended public health measures to reduce transmission of COVID-19.
Tourists who stay in Greater Male’ area during their entire duration of stay in Maldives

These tourists must do a PCR test for COVID-19 prior to departure from Maldives if their duration of stay in Greater Male’ area is more than 48 hours. The sample for testing must be obtained not more than 72 hours prior to departure from Maldives. The result of this PCR test must be negative to allow them to travel. The guest house or hotel must ensure that the tourist has obtained the PCR results prior to check out.

Short visits to safaris, resorts and tourist guest house islands from tourist guest houses and hotels in Greater Male’ area
  • Tourists who stay in hotels and guest houses in Greater Male’ area may visit safaris for short visits such as dinners. These safaris must obtain day visits approval from MoT. These safaris are only allowed to operate within the day visits procedure and are not allowed to host tourists for regular stay and accommodation. These safaris must ensure that COVID19 prevention measures such as wearing masks, physical distancing and hand hygiene are followed by tourists as well as crew.
  • Visits to resorts and tourist guest house islands are not allowed except within the arrangements of split stay.

Reference: Guideline for re-opening of tourist guesthouses and hotels in Greater Male’ area, 13th December 2020 [HPA]

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